“We had a lot of interesting history to work with when we developed the branding for Ewing Young distillery. Keeping in mind that all the products would fall under a branded house strategy, we found a single stock bottle that works wonderfully for both the clear and aged products. The bottle we chose was one that Anchor Hocking had asked us to design for their stock bottle line. With the bottle selected, we then focused on creating the distinctively bold brand logo which was inspired by the 172-year-old Oregon Heritage tree under which Ewing Young, the famous Oregon settler, is buried. The tree is located in the center of the 50 square mile property that Ewing Young claimed as his own back in 1834. The brand logo and the sides of the bottle are screen printed allowing each product to utilize the same bottle. We then designed a single, die-cut, wrap-around, paper label for each product differentiating them through color, text and other design elements. Finally, we created a custom-illustrated Ewing Young portrait and placed it on a neck band that stands out prominently.” says Dan Matauch, principal of Flowdesign.